Pakistan qaumi tarana song
Pakistan qaumi tarana song

Post added at 09:47 AM - Previous post was at 09:47 AM. Maʿ lūm kyā kisī ko dard-e nihāñ hamārā! Sadiyoñ rahā hai dushman daur-e zamāñ hamārā Kuch bāt hai kih hastī miṭ tī nahīñ hamārī Hindī haiñ ham, vat̤an hai hindostāñ hamārā Mażhab nahīñ sikhātā āpas meñ bair rakhnā Gulshan hai jin ke dam se rashk-e janāñ hamārāĮ āb-rūd-e gangā! vuh din haiñ yād tujh ko? Godī meñ kheltī haiñ us kī hazāroñ nadiyāñ Parbat vuh sab se ūñchā, hamsāyah āsmāñ kā Samjho vahīñ hameñ bhī dil ho jahāñ hamārā

pakistan qaumi tarana song

ġurbat meñ hoñ agar ham, rahtā hai dil vat̤an meñ

pakistan qaumi tarana song

Ham bulbuleñ haiñ us kī vuh gulsitāñ hamārā

pakistan qaumi tarana song

As Tarana-e-Hindi, it was later published in 1924 in the Urdu book Bang-i-Dara. The song, an ode to Hindustan—the land comprising present-day Bangladesh, India, and Pakistan—both celebrated and cherished the land even as it lamented its age-old anguish. Recited by Iqbal the following year at Government College, Lahore, now in Pakistan, it quickly became an anthem of opposition to the British rule in India. Written originally for children in the ghazal style of Urdu poetry by poet Muhammad Iqbal, the poem was published in the weekly journal Ittehad on 16 August 1904.

Pakistan qaumi tarana song